Sunday, June 24, 2012

Saturday Evening Fun

With this being Adria's last weekend in Connecticut, we decided to try something completely different. We bought tickets to a show in Collinsville at Bridge Street Live to see "Burlesque-A-Pades" featuring Angie Pontani and the Pontani sisters.

Needless to say, this was the first burlesque show I've ever seen and it was a lot of fun. We certainly didn't have much opportunity to see something like this in our small New England hometown! I was a little concerned about the type of crowd a burlesque show would attract, but I needn't have worried--this is the Farmington Valley after all.  We were probably among the younger people in the audience which consisted mainly of ordinary-looking couples.

The emcee performed some magic tricks, and the sisters performed individually and in a group. Angie had a great act of dancing en pointe to Edith Piaf's recording of "La Vie en Rose" with a lovely costume of diaphanous lavender veils that she swirled and discarded one by one! 

One of our favorite acts was Miss Saturn twirling several hula hoops with amazing speed and rhythm to Bonnie Tyler's "Holding Out for a Hero". Helen danced a few tap numbers in gorgeous costumes while shedding clothes artistically. By the end of the show, Adria was ready to run out and buy hula hoops while I'm ready for tap dancing lessons and a big feather boa!

Hope you're having fun this weekend!

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