Thursday, June 27, 2013

Maple Sugaring Part 2

As suspected, when my tech experts arrive, the problem with Blogger and the photos disappears!  So let me try again...

We enjoyed our visit to Lamothe's Sugar House to watch the process of making maple sap into maple syrup.

The weather in March was ideal for gathering maple sap:  nights below freezing and days above.

Here's Mark admiring the reverse osmosis system that Mr. Lamothe is explaining.

That's Mr. Lamothe behind the steam from the evaporator which is boiling the sap that has already gone through the reverse osmosis system to remove most of its water and is now becoming even more concentrated as more water boils off.  This is the final step in making maple syrup.

We wanted to make sure that our California girl could watch closely!  We stopped in the gift shop after the syrup-making demonstration to buy some of the finished product--there's nothing in the world that tastes as good as maple syrup!  In my humble opinion, after you've had the real thing, you'll never want to use the corn syrup imitations again!

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