Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Visiting Victoria Falls in Zambia

We arrived at our hotel, The Royal Livingstone in time to be treated to an elaborate buffet luncheon before being shown to our rooms. This hotel is located in Mosi-Oa-Tunya National Park and is right on the Zambezi River near Victoria Falls. There were impalas, zebras, giraffes, and monkeys wandering on the property.

That evening our group went for a leisurely cruise on the African Queen.

Because the river is so wide, the animals on the riverbanks were far away. The wildlife viewing from a boat was much actually much better on the Chobe River but it was a relaxing couple of hours and we got to watch the sun set.

The hotel isn't allowed to feed the animals that wander through the park, but they are allowed to give them vitamins. Some giraffes and zebras have figured out that every day at 3 pm a man will come and give them something special to eat. This is a female giraffe with her 9-month old baby and on the right is a orphaned yearling that she has adopted. When you're standing this close to them, it's hard to remember that they're wild and I had to stop myself from trying to pet them.

This is where we got to see lots of zebras up close.
Oh look, I have black and white camouflage too!


The hotel was really lovely, but nothing could compare with
the majesty of Victoria Falls which will be the subject of my next post.

1 comment:

  1. I love the zebras just hanging out by the road! I would also have to resist the urge to pet them...
