Friday, May 12, 2017

New York City

On Wednesday, my Hill-Stead friend Ellen and I took the Simsbury Continuing Education coach bus trip to NYC. Ellen lived there while in grad school and really knows her way around so she was the perfect traveling companion. The bus dropped us off in front of the Metropolitan Museum of Art but we had other plans for our day. As we turned a corner onto Madison Ave, there was a Sugarfina store full of wonderful gummies and candies where I promptly bought some souvenirs. 

We stopped in several places along our way to visit The Frick Collection, wonderful small stores full of home furnishings and accessories both new and vintage. One marvelous place named  Creel and Gow was like a cabinet of curiosities with taxidermied swans in the front window, minerals, small sculptures, and many other treasures on its shelves.

As we continued walking, we went right by The Asia Society which Ellen mentioned has a nice little gift shop.  I found an interesting silk scarf from Vietnam with "my" colors that I couldn't resist. It's a good souvenir!
This was my first visit to  The Frick Collection and I highly recommend it. The art is fabulous and it's a surprisingly quiet place. As Guides at Hill-Stead, we did not have to pay the $22 admission and it was so nice to talk about the paintings with another art lover.
By one o'clock we were tired and ready for lunch.  Ellen had made reservations at Vaucluse where we both ordered a salad with grilled chicken breast. The chicken was pounded very flat and it was quite large so the meal was very filling. We were able to relax and regroup before continuing our travels to The Kips Bay Decorator Show House. Of course some of the rooms were quite outlandish but others were very livable. The dining room has gotten a lot of press with its whimsical design and creative back story. The hand painted wallpaper was amazing!

We had to meet the bus at 5:45 pm, so once we were finished at the show house we set out for the pickup spot.  We had time to stop and browse in Scully and Scully.  Ellen has a few small Herend animals and we were amazed by all the choices available in this store.  They also have a catalog business.  The store is large and well-staffed but we were the only potential customers.

While in NYC, Ellen says she usually stops to use the public restrooms at:

I've seen the 2013 documentary "Scatter My Ashes at Bergdorf's" about this famous store so it was a real treat for me to go inside. The restrooms are in the basement with all the makeup areas, and then we took the elevator to the home furnishings floor. When I put down all my bags to take off my jacket, the saleswoman promptly asked if I would like a large bag to put them all in, so now I have a Bergdorf's shopping bag! Perhaps I will be like a Parisienne and carry it like a tote bag wherever I go.

The bus left promptly at 5:45 and we were back in Farmington by 8:30--quite good timing considering how awful the traffic was trying to leave NYC.  It was a wonderful day and now Ellen and I are already looking forward to another trip together in the future!

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