Sunday, July 29, 2012

Machine Quilting

On Saturday, after some pin-basting and handbasting of the quilt sandwich, I was ready to start machine quilting!  I think this is the first time I've used my machine's walking foot.

It did exactly what it's supposed to do--keep all the layers moving through the machine smoothly without any fabrics stretching or bunching.

I machine quilted using green thread to match the sashing in a simple grid pattern, stitching 1/4 inch away from the squares vertically and horizontally.

It doesn't show up too much on the backing which is fine with me! Now I'm ready to handbaste around the edge of the quilt top, trim the batting/backing, and apply the binding. I haven't decided whether or not to stitch 1/4 inch inside the squares--what do you think?

By midafternoon the sky got very dark and it began to pour!  We need some rain, and by the time the storm passed, our rain gauge had over one inch. There was a little thunder but no lightning. Kita was happy to stay in the basement until it was over. Our dog trainer always said that some dogs are very sensitive to the buildup of electricity in the air from lightning and those dogs are the ones that hate thunderstorms. Kita is definitely bothered more by lightning than by thunder. I'm glad she's discovered that the basement feels safe, and we do keep the door open and a light on 24/7 so she can go there whenever she wants.

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