Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Bushnell Park Carousel

As part of my birthday weekend celebrations, I convinced Mark and Ross to take me to the Bushnell Park Carousel in Hartford.

This carousel is owned and maintained by the Carousel Museum in Bristol.  We've been there several times but this was my first trip to ride the carousel in Hartford.

It's one of only three remaining intact carousels that were handcarved by Solomon Stein and Harry Goldstein, owners of Artistic Carousel Company of Brooklyn, New York. This carousel was made in 1914 and used in several different locations before finding its present home in Hartford.

Each horse is a work of art! Nowadays they need bright yellow signs tied to their legs reminding people not to step on the legs, which of course were never meant to be weightbearing.

Today the carousel is housed in a wooden pavilion to protect it from the elements.  The clerestory windows make photography a little tricky on a sunny day like today.

Taking a ride on the carousel is like a time machine--with music from the Wurlitzer band organ playing as my jumper went up and down, I felt transported back to 1914! These beauties are my kind of horses--they'll never run away with me.

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