Saturday, October 6, 2012

Greenhouse Progress

Since the workers started replacing the greenhouse windows last Thursday, we have had rain on 3 days for a total of 4 1/4", which is probably more than we've had in the past 3 months.  Despite the poor weather, they made good progress and should finish on Monday.

One very unexpected surprise was that the skylight interiors are trimmed in white and that is the only color available! (The glass still has its protective film in this photo.)  They will try to remedy the situation by capping the white with bronze-tone aluminum to match the greenhouse frame.  We sure hope it works!  Unfortunately the narrow frames on the operable rooftop windows will have to remain white, but I don't think they will be too noticeable once the screens are in place.

Yesterday they started to remove some of the protective film.  I had forgotten how beautiful the greenhouse looked when new and we could see out of all the windows!  Standing at the kitchen sink one has a great view to the south again.  It's a wonderful feeling of spaciousness.

I should have taken a photo, but yesteday I finished a project that's been on my mind for some time--fixing the sleeve tabs on my taupe trench.  I bought it last spring from JC Penney because it was half-price and I liked the color and jacket length.  After wearing it for a couple of times, I realized what was bothering me about it:  the tabs on the sleeves had been sewn into the back seams by mistake so the parts near the buttons pointed toward my waist.  I opened a seam in the lining so I could get to the sleeves to remove the tabs and resew them in the proper seams.  Now the jacket is at the dry cleaners.  I am sooo much happier with it! (photo to come)

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