Friday, October 26, 2012

Lago Maggiore

On our second day in Milan, we visited Lago Maggiore. One of the things I enjoy about traveling in Europe is the very convenient mass transit--we took the subway to the train, and approximately two hours later we arrived at the Stresa station, a short 5-minute walk from the lakeshore.

The lakes region is very beautiful and I can understand why this is a popular summer vacation destination. We took the ferry to visit the Borromean Islands. Our first stop was Isola Bella where we toured Palazza Borromeo and the lovely gardens.

We took shelter under the trees during a brief shower, having left my 2 folding umbrellas back at the hotel. After buying a new one in the gift shop, the rain stopped, and although the skies stayed cloudy for the rest of the day, we didn't have any more rain!

Our next stop was tiny Isola Pescatore and it was an easy walk around this picturesque island.

Isola Madre is known for its beautiful gardens.  There's an interesting sculpture installation of dog statues along one of the walkways.

The views across the lake to other towns were spectacular. After a long day and lots of walking, it was time to take the train back to Milan! I'm so glad we had an opportunity to visit this area of Italy. Malima was a fantastic guide!

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