Monday, January 21, 2013

Book Group Goes to NYC

On Sunday morning book group set out on a road trip to NYC to see "The Book of Mormon".  It's hard to believe that we bought the tickets almost one year ago for this very popular show.  We arrived early enough to have a wonderful lunch at nearby Trattoria Trecolori.

Here are the tourists in Times Square.  We were lucky to have a nice clear day with relatively mild temperatures so it was pleasant to walk around.

The show was hysterically funny! It reminded me a lot of the book The Poisonwood Bible that our group had read years ago and which remains one of my personal all-time favorites.  Of course the language and some of the concepts were over the top--just what one might expect from the creators of South Park.  Why use subtlety when you can use a sledgehammer?

I love live theater! Just wish it wasn't so darn expensive...

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