Monday, September 26, 2011

Missoni-for-Target Mania

I was pretty excited when Target announced that famed Italian knitwear company Missoni would be creating a collection for them to debut in stores on September 13th.  From the photo spread in September Vogue and a visit to the Target website, I found many different Missoni items that looked very appealing.  When September 13th rolled around, I headed over to my local Target around noon--and I was too late! Way too late! The sales clerks told me the entire Missoni women's line sold out within 15 minutes of the store opening.  I was really hoping to buy a Missoni tote bag, scarf, and possibly a knit sweater, so the minute I got home I tried the Target website--which had crashed due to the volume!  By the time I finally managed to get online the following day, everything Missoni was out of stock.  Refusing to pay the high prices for this merchandise on eBay, I consoled myself that Missoni was just not in my future.

Imagine my delight when Ross and Malima arrived for the weekend with a special gift--the Missoni scarf I had coveted the most!   The colors are fantastic and I know I will wear it a lot.  What a great surprise!

We all had a fun weekend!  Ross was able to get outfitted for Malima's cousin's upcoming wedding, and then we hit a couple of local thrift stores where they had success finding items for his Halloween costume.  The weekend just flew by.

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