Sunday, November 4, 2012

Bella Firenze

View of Ponte Vecchio from inside the Uffizi Gallery
Florence is a beautiful and very walkable city. I think it must have more Renaissance treasures than any other place on Earth!  While some places like Accademia (Michaelangelo's David) and the Uffizi Gallery were mobbed, other wonderful places like the Bargello, Medici Chapels, and  Pitti Palace were not.

View of the Duomo and its bell tower from the Boboli Gardens
As much as I enjoyed visiting this city where the past of 500 years ago is very much present, I'm not sure I would like to live there. It's hard to explain, but the weight of its past glories also felt oppressive to me.

A small part of the Pitti Palace
Despite being overrun with tourists, the Italians we met in Florence were the friendliest and most helpful people!
A Pegasus statue in the Boboli Gardens

A few of the globes in the Galileo Science Museum

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