Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Putting the Gardens to Bed

Mark and I spent the weekend getting the yard ready for winter. I cut back all the perennials and raked the beds.

Mark used the leaf blower for a final cleanup before mowing the lawn.

One of the areas that needed a lot of work was outside the guest room. The bushes had grown taller and self-seeded dogwood saplings made it difficult to see the windows.

I wish I had taken a "before" photo! Bushes obscuring windows offer places for thieves to hide while they break into a house--and because I worry about this sort of thing, I wanted to make sure the windows were visible! It's probably more important if one lives in a crime-ridden area, but I'm not taking any chances.    ;-)

Doesn't the new greenhouse glass look wonderful?

Somehow I managed to sprain my knee--probably when I kept stumbling into the shallow holes left by the dogwood saplings that Mark transplanted to other parts of the yard.  I'm kinda "gimpy" but managing to do what I need. Aspirin and the heating pad helps!

Kita is at Petco for a grooming as I write. She'll be all clean and pretty for visitors on Thanksgiving.

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