Saturday, November 3, 2012

In Memory of Dad

October 29th was the 7th anniversary of my dad's death. He had been struggling with dementia for several years, and the last coherent words he spoke to me as we sat outside on a beautiful sunny day in late September were, "The fresh air is so exhilarating!" I had stopped by his nursing home for a visit on a Friday afternoon before we headed to Rochester, NY to see Dawn participate in a Battlebots competition during the weekend. At that time in his life, Dad had a hard time finding words to speak, so you can imagine the pleasant surprise I got that day when he carried on a lively conversation with me.

On our way home that Sunday, I got a call on my cellphone that Dad had been rushed to the hospital and was in serious condition. His health deteriorated steadily from then until his death a month later. Looking back on that Friday visit, I now realize our wonderful conversation was a special gift as that was the last time he spoke to me.

Dad at age 87 showing off his new mittens, Christmas Day 2003
Funny how some memories come back to you many years later...when I attended St. Joseph Grammar School, we learned how to say our names in Polish.  Mary was Marysha, and Dad was the one person in my life who called me Maryshka, a special nickname. When he worried about losing his memory as he got older, I used to tell him not to worry because I would always know that he was my daddy. I'm not sure if that brought him any comfort, but it sure comforted me. I miss my Dad.

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