Saturday, February 16, 2013

Baby quilt finished at last!

Wow, this project took a lot longer than I ever expected!  How much time could it possibly take to hand-quilt a fabric panel?  I'm glad I didn't keep track because I know I'd be really shocked by the answer.

I think it turned out very nicely!  It's still hard to believe that a fabric company recently reprinted the panel that Mark's mother had quilted during the summer of 1946 when she was pregnant with his older brother.  I was so surprised to see the familiar design again that I just had to buy it.

Here's the original quilt!  It was quite worn on the edges when my sister-in-law was expecting her first child so she added fabric to the sides and turned the quilt into a cover for the playpen pad.  Her two boys used it and then our two children used it.  A couple of years after I had returned the playpen, she gave me back the quilt thinking I might like to cut it up and make stuffed animals from it--very popular at the time. I didn't think the printed designs were quite the look I might want for a stuffed animal so I left the quilt alone.  Of course I kept it, especially since Mark's mother said he used to carry it around with him when he was little--in fact she embroidered his name on the back in case he misplaced it.  His name is still there today.

I found the backing fabric at Sew Inspired Quilt Shop in Simsbury, and the helpful ladies who work there helped me pick out the binding fabric.  I was looking for a stripe and this one works perfectly. Tomorrow we'll go shopping for a narrow curtain rod with brackets so that our nephew and his wife can use this new quilt as a wall hanging if they want. (I added a "hanging sleeve" to the back just in case.)

When their little girl arrives, she'll have a quilt just like the one her great-grandmother made for her grandfather!


  1. Oh my gosh, Mary, I didn't hear the whole story about this quilt until now! It's so sweet. You new version looks great, too :D

    1. I'm glad you like it! Finding the new fabric sure was lucky.
