Sunday, February 17, 2013

More Quilt Details

It's fun to compare the old quilt with the new--at least I think it is! The selvedge of the new panel had the title "Off to Dreamland" and I wonder if that was the name of the original fabric design.

The puppy and kitty design is one of my favorite motifs.

It's nice that the center medallion has a boy and a girl so that the quilt is appropriate for a baby of either sex.

The colors in "Little Boy Blue" have held up pretty well in the original.

Mark's name was hand-embroidered by his mom many years ago.

Today it's considered good quilting practice to add a quilt label to back of a quilt.  I used MS Word for the words and then traced them onto muslin with a Micron permanent pen.

And that's the end of this quilt odyssey!

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