Thursday, May 23, 2013

I'm Baaack!

This is where I've been for the past three months:

Yes, subbing for another school counselor on maternity leave at yet another high school...

The people I worked with in the Guidance Department were just wonderful to me--so warm and welcoming that I truly was sorry to leave when my 12 weeks were over.  I had a nice office with a big window, and as usual I brought some things from home to make the space feel a little like my own place.  It's always tricky since I have to keep everything that belongs to the counselor who's on leave, and she had lots of personal stuff on display.

There was a lovely built-in bookcase along the left wall as you walked in the door, and I rearranged some things so that I could add two photos and my grad school diploma on the top shelf.

I have lots to blog about to catch up on the last 3 months.  Between working long hours and a long commute, something had to give!  Please check back soon--I plan to post more regularly now that I'm back at home.

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you back! You're right, her office is a little full already!
