Monday, October 7, 2013

Saturday Travels

On Saturday morning we got up bright and early to headed to Boston to the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit at the Museum of Science.  It was fascinating to see examples of written language from 5,000 years ago. But the one item that really spoke to me from the whole exhibit was the pair of leather soles from sandals that were 2,000 years old--complete with impressions of the wearer's feet.  There was also a fabric remnant from Masada where the dark blue and tan threads were woven in a very distinct and still recognizable pattern. Somehow the fact that these items were worn by people so long ago made them very precious to me.

From the museum we went to visit Ross and Malima's new apartment, arriving in time to see Ross pull into the driveway. He's just taken off his helmet in this photo.

After the apartment tour, which took awhile since their new place is quite spacious, Malima's sister joined us for a walk to Sei Bar where we had a delicious lunch.  Mark had noticed an ice cream place and we stopped there for dessert on our way back to the apartment. I was favorably impressed by the size of their regular sundaes!

We were lucky to have good weather for our trip to Boston and even saw the beginnings of good fall foliage along the highway.  Even with a minor traffic jam in Hartford, we arrived back home by six. I'm glad we had an early start to the day and were able to see the Dead Sea scrolls before the museum became too crowded--a good plan to remember for next time.

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