Sunday, December 4, 2011

Christmas 1901 at Hill-Stead

I had a wonderful afternoon playing dress-up for Hill-Stead Museum's "Meet the Family" Open House.

These are a few of the guides in costume.  From left to right, we have famous photographer Gertrude Kasebier (Sharon), Hill-Stead's architect Theodate Pope (?), and Theodate's Aunt Annie who is visiting from Salem, Ohio (yours truly!).  Sharon has collected many antique dresses over the years and graciously loans them to the museum for these events.

Here I am posing in one of the upstairs bedrooms, but I was in the dining room welcoming visitors during the Open House.  I had gleaned so much information about Aunt Annie from Theodate's diaries that I enjoyed being in character and talking with the guests.  It's most fun when visitors get into the spirit of things and respond in kind, as many people did today.

Hill-Stead is always lovely to visit, but I think it looks really special when the interior is decorated for Christmas.  Unfortunately photography is not allowed inside. 


  1. Oh sweet! How was it wearing that awesome dress? I really loved the Christmas tour when we went last year.

  2. I really enjoyed swanning about in that dress! The house was rather chilly so I wore the cape most of the time--it has an attached long skinny scarf with tassels! So much fun!
