Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A Christmas Treasure

This creche has been in my family for as long as I can remember.  I wish I had thought to ask my dad for its history--I'm not sure if my parents bought it as newlyweds or when dad came back from WWII, or maybe it was a gift to them.

It's quite an ingenious design really--the part with the 3 Kings and shepherd folds into the main part of the creche for storage!

As a young child, I loved hearing stories about Baby Jesus and celebrating His birth at Christmas.  These statues fascinated me, especially the animals!

The brightly colored figures look like miniature versions of the large creche that was set up in our church.  The tallest king is only 4 inches high!  My dad always treasured this little creche, and that makes it very special to me. 

May Christmas treasures from your past bring you many happy memories!

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