Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A Christmas Stocking

Family legend is that my mother made this Christmas stocking for me.  Since I have so few tangible reminders of my mother and even fewer memories, it is very special to me.  It's missing a few sequins but otherwise is in perfect condition!

When Ross was 8 years old and in third grade, he wrote a special story about this stocking and illustrated it for me as a Christmas surprise. 

After Ross had glued the story and the drawing to construction paper, his teacher (who now lives across the street from us) laminated it to preserve it.

As someone who has worked with elementary school students for years, I realize how much careful effort Ross put into this project.  Now his gift is as precious to me as the stocking itself.  I proudly display it every Christmas. 

May a little surprise bring lasting joy into your life!

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