Thursday, October 23, 2014

Baboons in Botswana

After being ferried across the Zambezi River from Zambia into Botswana, our group got into 4-wheel drive vehicles for the ride to Chobe Game Lodge. One of my favorite parts of our trip to Africa was seeing wild animals alongside the road, and this family of baboons crossed the highway in front us shortly before we entered Chobe National Park. The highways in Zambia and Botswana were 2-lane paved roads--these are countries where the few roads are typically dirt.

There were lots of baboons near the lodge and we always saw more on game drives or boat trips on the Chobe River. Here's a mom with her new baby and her toddler is trying to hug the baby!
The baby holds onto mom for dear life when she goes for a walk. Our guide says when the baby gets bigger, he will ride on his mother's back.
When mom stops, the baby climbs down!
I'm not sure what this young baboon is looking for in the grass--bugs maybe?

Time for some grooming while relaxing in the shade.

This family is romping near the river. 

One of the large males came down to the river for a drink while our boat floated by.

The baboons were fascinating to watch wherever we saw them!


  1. That photo of the toddler hugging the baby is SOOOO cute!!!

  2. It was so much fun to watch--you could tell the toddler didn't like all the attention baby was getting from mom. The hugging got pretty rough!
