Monday, October 20, 2014

Large Antelopes

There are many different kinds of antelopes in Chobe, from smaller varieties like the impalas and bushbucks to larger ones like kudus, roan antelopes, and sable antelopes. Kudus have several white stripes on their sides and the males have curly horns. The longer the horns, the older the animal. According to Bea, our guide, the male on the right is around two years old because his short horns haven't begun to twist.

These lovely specimens are quite a bit older!
Apparently the kudus don't mind hanging around with smaller animals.

Here are the sable antelopes that were heading down to the river in the heat of the day. During the dry season, you can see how parched the earth looks.

We came across this small herd of roan antelopes near the river early one morning.

We stopped to watch them and they crossed the dirt road right in front of our vehicle.

I'd say that all these antelopes are approximately the size of horses. Again, so much fun to see "zoo" animals in the wild!


  1. Wow, I didn't realize that the antelopes were that big!

  2. They were bigger than I ever expected. Mark says they're the size of a small horse, not like a Clydesdale!
