Wednesday, October 1, 2014


On our last morning in Chobe, we saw lions on the game drive! One lioness was relaxing in an open area near the river. The flock of guinea hens walked right by her.

Soon she was joined by another lioness.

On the other side of our vehicle we could see a third lioness and two cubs under some brush. With the cubs playing in the shade I knew it would be impossible to photograph the scene. Then someone noticed a lion in the background. His head was barely visible beyond the greenery--the brown that you see in the center of the photo is his mane.

I was able to see his profile when he turned his head! The males are even more reclusive than the females so we were lucky to see him. Our guide had warned us to stay sitting when and if we saw lions--apparently they view the whole vehicle as one large thing, but if a person were to stand up they would perceive him as an individual--and likely prey! We all followed those directions perfectly.


  1. I wonder if lions just don't bother chasing after mouthfuls like those guinea hens!

    1. I didn't think to ask our guide if lions ever eat guinea hens, but she did say they love to dine on impala.
