Thursday, October 23, 2014

Monkeys in Chobe

Monkeys and baboons seemed to be everywhere in Africa that we went, kind of like squirrels and chipmunks in Connecticut. You might not see them in the center of the city amongst the skyscrapers, but they'll be in a park, suburban setting, and of course in rural areas. Once you're in a national park, monkeys and baboons are everywhere.

On our last evening game drive in Chobe, our guides stopped the vehicles by the river near a picnic table and broke out the champagne and hors d'ouevres. The monkeys were waiting for us, with this one already sitting on the table! Of course our guides had warned us not to feed them.

While we were walking around and eating and drinking, a couple of the monkeys decided to see what they could find in our vehicle. The guides have locked metal boxes where they keep the food specifically so the monkeys can't get to it.


They look so cute but can get aggressive when food is around. While I was watching them, one jumped from the ground onto a man in our group who happened to be eating a cracker and grabbed it right out of his hand, practically right out of his mouth!

Here we are with Bea, our guide. The box for the food is behind her.

All the guides at the Chobe Game Lodge are women. They are very knowledgeable, friendly, and professional. I can understand why they are referred to as "Chobe angels".


  1. I love the safari outfits! It's true, monkeys are cute, but they are so much trouble!

  2. Thanks--I'm glad the tour operator provided with plenty of info regarding appropriate clothing before the trip!
