Saturday, March 21, 2015

Part 5 Scarves Up Close

Here are the lightweight silk scarves, both from Nordstrom's.

Just look at the beautiful woven designs on these pashminas! 

One thing I've learned from this experiment of documenting the scarves I wear is that I actually have lots of clothes and lots of scarves!  Sometimes I get the feeling that I have nothing to wear and want to buy something new, but this year I am determined to keep wearing what I already own. For the first three months of 2015 I have not bought one new thing...except for...footwear!  I bought one pair of tall black boots from Clarks that were on sale--very plain and very comfortable. Then the short suede Blondo wedge boots that I love because they are also very comfortable became available in my size again so I bought those (the pair I've had for the past 3 years are getting a little worn and bedraggled now but I do wear them most). And then I saw a pair of Fly London shoes on the Nordstrom site that were also in my size so I bought those but I may have to return them--they might be a little too narrow--I'm still deciding!

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