Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Scarf Diaries, Part 3

I fell in love with this print scarf at Nordstrom's several years ago. The colors and bold design caught my eye and I bought it even though it's polyester (with a silk price if I remember correctly!).

Worn with Talbot's open cardigan bought several years ago and black pants from Kohl's

I always have a hard time choosing an accessory to go with this boiled wool jacket as the large button seems so noticeable. I wore a scoop-neck layering top underneath the jacket but needed something to keep the slightly scratchy wool off my neck. I went with this silk scarf featuring orchids because of its subtle colors. Dawn and Mark brought it back from one of the orchid conferences for me, probably Singapore (they don't remember for sure and neither do I!) This is the only pink clothing item I own and many people at work complimented me on it, saying the color looks great with my silver hair. Who knew?

Pink jacket from J. C. Penney, several years old, and gray pants from Kohl's

Bought this scarf from India a couple of years ago in a bead shop in West Hartford center. It looks handprinted and I fell in love with the bold design and colors. I wear it quite often, especially in summer and fall months. It's 100% viscose and I think it cost $30--I seem to remember wondering if I should pay that much for it but I'm glad I did.
Worn with green utility jacket on sale for $29 at Old Navy last September and dark denim jeans for a dress-down day
The second scarf I bought as part of the twofer special in Venice. It's full of my favorite colors: teal and purple.
Worn with old Chico's turtleneck and black pants from Kohl's

This faux pashmina was a Christmas gift from a member of book group several years ago--we each received one in different colors and mine was this red/black combination. I've also worn it with light gray sweaters. Notice the great scarf pin that Malima gave me for Christmas upon return from her year in Milan.

Worn with red cashmere turtleneck on sale at Orvis several years ago and black pants from Kohl's

I feel I'm making very good progress wearing different scarves from my collection. The lighter ones I'm saving to wear in warmer weather, which hopefully will arrive later this month. Since I started working in January, there's been many a day I've been happy to have a cuddly scarf around my neck when the office gets cool!


  1. I want to see more of that orchid scarf. Now that I am thinking about it, I guess you don't really wear a lot of pink and it would be a good color with your hair!

    Also, those scarf pins, I haven't really found anything else like them, and they really work, especially for knits!

    1. Some of the faux pashminas have a loose enough weave that the scarf pin works really well with them too. I haven't seen anything else like it either!
