Sunday, May 27, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

It's wonderful to have a 3-day weekend!  We plan to watch our local Memorial Day parade tomorrow morning and then come home to spruce up our yard.  We've been catching up on errands and chores and are looking forward to the extra day.

We've been thinking a lot about the veterans in our family--Mark's Uncle Frank who died when The Arizona was bombed by the Japanese while docked in Pearl Harbor, my dad's service as a Marine in the Pacific during WWII, and Mark's dad's time in the Navy at Alameda Air Station during WWII also.  My sister Adria served as a Marine during the Vietnam War, as did two of our cousins.

Many lovely homes along our town's Main Street are proudly flying flags this weekend. It's tricky to find a place to park to get a good photo. Maybe I'll have better luck tomorrow during the parade.

I'm really happy to have a shorter work week due to the holiday.  Although I usually wake before my alarm goes off now, I have never been a morning person. Years ago when I worked in the city, I didn't mind having an hour commute when my workday started at 9 am and I used mass transit.  Now with a workday starting at 7:10 am, I dread the long car ride.  Spending close to 2 hours a day on the road, even when it is a pleasant drive, just feels like a big waste at this point in my life.  I am counting the days until this assignment ends!

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