Sunday, May 13, 2012

Weekly Update

I just finished my third week of work.  We've been getting rain 3 or 4 weekdays the past couple of weeks, which is good and bad--we need the rain and I'd prefer sunny weekends, but the rainy days make my commute longer by 10 minutes each way. I keep reminding myself the next 5 weeks will fly by!

May is such a beautiful month with so many outdoor plants in bloom.  These bleeding hearts are a division of plants that originally came from Mark's grandmother's house. 

Of course, working outside means more exposure to ticks, and on Monday the results of my blood test were postive for recent exposure to Lyme disease.  I have been feeling lousy for the past few weeks but decided I was just tired from my new job.  When I didn't improve, I checked with my doctor and told him about the two ticks I had taken off in early March, so he did some bloodwork.  Thank goodness I'm already feeling much better after six days on antibiotics.

Now the wood hyacinths are blooming in front of the deck.  Yesterday and today the weather has just been perfect with highs in the low 80s and clear dry air. We sat on the deck reading after dinner yesterday and it was so pleasant--and no bugs yet!  I had a haircut appointment in the morning and then worked the Open House at Hill-Stead all afternoon, so I really appreciated the time outside.  Mark had mowed the lawn earlier in the day and the air smelled so sweet and fresh.

Even the chives are blooming!  The rhubarb in front of the chives is small this year, maybe because the weather was so dry when it first started to grow. 

We were late bringing the amaryllis bulb into the greenhouse but were rewarded wth two stalks having 4 flowers each. It won't be long before the danger of frost is past and Mark is able to bring most of the plants outside.

We did some shopping today.  I can't believe I haven't dragged Mark to the Shoppes at Farmington Valley in Canton before!  I got a great deal on a dark stretch denim pencil skirt at Talbot's--$69.50 retail price, but with markdowns and special sales, it ended up costing $19.08 including tax.  Of course I can't imagine anyone paying the full price--that's just ridiculous for a casual skirt.  But it will look great and even somewhat professional for our dress-down Fridays.

Have a wonderful week!

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