Sunday, May 6, 2012

What a Weekend!

Ross finished putting the engine into his 1987 MR2 and fired it up. Success! It runs!

I think that's a pretty big accomplishment considering that the car has been sitting in our garage for nearly 7 years.  Ross had planned to replace the original engine with a turbocharged version, and the car was in pieces when he left for college.  Recently he's been working on swapping the turbocharged engine for a regular engine again, and he put it all back together this weekend. Mark will get a short-term registration for it so it can be driven on the road.

We were driving down Old Mountain Road today when we saw this tom turkey strutting alongside the street.  Mark stopped the car so we could take photos--I was very excited because I usually don't have a camera handy when a male is displaying his tail feathers just like a classic Thanksgiving turkey illustration. 

Ross opened his window and took these photos.  Mark decided to help keep the turkey around by gobbling. The tom must have thought another male was close by because he kept walking back and forth in front of the car and even began to peck the front tire.  Since his head came up to the car windows, I was pretty scared sitting in the back seat thinking that he might try to fly inside the car! I didn't realize how big they are until I saw this bad boy up close.

Since we are celebrating Mother's Day a week early, we went to the minigolf for our traditional outing.

Hmmm, I don't want to admit what my score was because it was too close to my age...but we had a lot of fun golfing on such a nice day, and then we stopped at their snack bar for lunch and dessert. What a great weekend!

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