Sunday, May 20, 2012

A Very Special Event

Yesterday was our youngest niece's Bat Mitzvah.  The ceremony at their temple is so very moving. It's a welcoming, happy sort of congregation, and Ken's father pointed out that it is as liberal as you can get and still be Judaic.  He told us a great story about selling papers outside a Catholic church in Hartford when he was little and then his buddy would invite him in.  After Mass, young Ed would stand by his papers and call out, "Father McLoughlin's social democratic papers for sale!"...until his own father caught him at it and pulled him away by his ear!

Here are all the Fishman females outside after the ceremony.  With several hours until the evening event, Mark and I headed back to Ross and Malima's apartment for the afternoon.

White Cliffs in Northborough is a lovely venue for a big party!  The older girls had their Bat Mitzvah parties here too.

The DJ was fantastic and the dancers showed us all how to do the dance moves--we were movin' and groovin', that's for sure!  We really missed having Dawn and Malima with us to share the fun.  There is a part of the festivities where the Bat Mitzvah celebrant lights candles in honor of people who are important to her. Dana thoughtfully mentioned how only 3/5 of our family were there, with Malima in Milan and Dawn in Paris.

It was great to catch up with our nephews and their lovely wives.  Our nieces looked beautiful in their party finery--unfortunately I never did manage to corral them for a photo. Hopefully we'll get to see the official photos and DVD of these festivities soon.

Today is another beautiful sunny day--wishing you all good times, wherever you are!

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