Friday, September 20, 2013

Annual Family Reunion

Despite a few sprinkles, we managed to spend a lot of time outside in Otis on the Sunday of Labor Day weekend, our traditional family reunion.

After Ross took Fab for a ride on the jet ski, Fab returned the favor.
Yann had fun with the paddleboard.

Malima and Dawn enjoyed swimming.
Here's Dana during a rare quiet moment (OK, I asked her to pose there).
At six months, Kate is the youngest member of our clan.  She watched everything very closely!
On the way home, Dawn picked up pizza from Naples to share with her Parisian friends. And then we watched a movie (I guess the weekend really went by quickly--in my last post I stated we watched one on Saturday but I think it was actually on Sunday!)  And on Labor Day everyone had to pack up and return to Boston...but what a great weekend!


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