Tuesday, September 24, 2013

NY Maker Faire

On Sunday, we headed to New York City to attend Maker Faire.  The weather cleared and we had a beautiful crisp day.  First on our agenda was attending a talk Dawn gave, entitled "When Makers Apply for College".  You can see the talk in its entirety at:

After a long Q & A session, we explored Maker Faire.  Some exhibits were in the New York Hall of Science, and many more were set up outside under tents on the grounds of the 1965 World's Fair. There was sooo much to see--lots of techie things but also a large crafts area.

Here's Dawn standing next to the Maker mascot!

This is the first time I've ever seen the World's Fair globe up close--we've seen it from the road when going to JFK International Airport and even from the air upon takeoff.  Mark remembers going to the Fair but doesn't really remember what he saw.  My Girl Scout troop discussed taking a field trip to the Fair but never went beyond the planning stage.  I think my sister went--I'll have to ask her about it!

Of course the globe and the observation towers were featured prominently in one of our favorite movies, Men in Black.

Traffic on the way home was crazier and much more congested--reminding me why we rarely drive to NYC even though it's only two hours away (in perfect conditions) from where we live.  It was a long but very enjoyable day.

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