Thursday, September 12, 2013

Labor Day Weekend

The weekend celebrations started Friday evening with the arrival of Dawn and her two French friends, followed by Malima and Ross on Saturday morning.  We tried to plan some American activities for Yann and Fabien so we headed to minigolf.


Of course we ate hot dogs at the snack bar first, played golf, and then headed back into the snack bar for ice cream--it's tradition!  On the way home we stopped at a farm stand to buy corn on the cob to go with the salad and steaks we were planning for dinner--another first for Yann and Fab.  I just read an article in today's WSJ that mentioned corn is more typically used for animal feed in France than for human consumption.  They were such good sports--they ate everything we served them!

We also had to prepare some food for the annual family reunion in Otis on Sunday of Labor Day weekend.  Our contribution was quinoa salad, Malima made cone sushi, and Dawn helped her French friends make some fabulous desserts. (Fabulous is too mild a compliment, they were incredible--and I've never seen desserts vanish so quickly during one of our reunions.) We enjoyed singing along with the player piano and finished our evening watching a classic American movie:  Animal House!

Whew, that was Saturday!  My next post will be about fun in Otis on Sunday.


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