Monday, April 2, 2012

Boys' Banquet

Yesterday was the special dinner of the Connecticut Chapter of Les Amis d'Escoffier Society. Mark's father became a member many years ago and eventually so did his sons and grandsons.

It's a formal, men-only event which was held at the Lincoln Culinary Institute this year.

The program has one page for the menu in English and one in French.

Malima and I went out for Thai food and a movie while the boys were at their event.  We both have read The Hunger Games and loved the new movie!  Jennifer Lawrence was perfect as Katniss Everdeen! 

It was the first time I've been to the cinemas in Blue Back Square.  The theater was on the small side but there weren't too many people for the Sunday evening show so we had great seats. And the seats were very comfy too. We stopped at the Pinkberry located between the theater and the parking garage for frozen yogurt on our way to pick up the guys.  A fun weekend all in all!

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