Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My Favorite Flowers

I've been enjoying the pot of hyacinths that our neighbors brought over when they came for dessert on Easter. Some of the first plants at my childhood home to bloom in Spring were hyacinths this exact same color.

I was going to plant them outside right away but then I decided to keep them by the kitchen sink instead so I could enjoy their fragrance.  That's when I realized that my favorite flowers each have a very distinctive smell.

I also adore peonies.  We have divisions that came from the plants at my childhood home in our yard now.  One of my earliest memories is toddling up to the peonies (which were as tall as I was) and sticking my face into the blossoms while inhaling their sweet scent.  We've brought divisions of these peonies to every home where we have lived.

Lilacs are another favorite of mine.  I associate the warmth of early May with its sunny days and clear skies with the special fragrance of lilacs.  In grammar school, the nuns always put of vase of fresh lilacs in front of the statue of the Blessed Virgin. (It was quite an honor to be the child who brought a new bouquet to school for this purpose, but I don't think we had a lilac bush in our yard, or at least I don't remember bringing lilacs to school.)

My positive childhood memories of these fragrant flowers make them even more special to me today. 

Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday!

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