Sunday, August 19, 2012

Oo La La

I got a great surprise in Saturday's mail:

Dawn sent me me the August issue of French Vogue as an early birthday present! I'm having fun trying to translate the French into English--sometimes I can really get the gist of what I read and other times "it's all Greek to me"!  It's also fun to see which ads are the same for the US and which are different.

While I enjoy looking at the latest fashions, I am trying hard not to buy anything new (OK, that leather skirt from Nordstrom was an exception) because I just have so much stuff.  I'm making a real effort to wear what I already own since my closet is overflowing and I tend to wear my favorites again and again anyway. I'll let you know how that goes! Same for costume jewelry--I still wear some things I bought 40 years ago (how is that possible?  Must have bought it when I was 5!)

The weather was beautiful today with highs around 80F and lows last night in the mid 50s--perfect sleeping weather.  Since it was cooler, we walked Kita in the reservoir today for the first time in I don't know how long and spent the rest of the day doing yardwork.  I get reenergized when the hot and humid weather passes! I expect to accomplish a lot this week.

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