Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Summer Stuff

When it's hot and humid, I don't go into the greenhouse or even pay much attention to all the plants Mark has moved outdoors for the summer.

However this hot pink Brassolaeliocattleya (two blooms, one above the other) is hard to miss! Brassavola nodosa is also blooming now.

I also finished handstitching the binding to the back of C.'s quilt!  I'm really pleased with the way it turned out.

Following our usual weekday routine, I took Kita outside with me at 5:45 am so I could get the newspapers and she could do her "business".  As we stopped near the bottom of the driveway, I saw a young buck standing near our well!  He watched me watching him and then trotted into the woods. The wind must have been blowing the other way because Kita never even noticed him.  Deer look lovely this time of year with their ruddy coats, and this buck had small velvety antlers. He didn't seem to have eaten the bushes near the well--maybe I surprised him before his breakfast!

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