Monday, August 13, 2012

The Baby Shower

On Sunday afternoon we went to C.'s baby shower.

The mother-to-be looked so lovely!  We felt honored to be invited to share in this special celebration.

After eating some wonderful Indian appetizers and playing typically American shower games like "Baby Bingo", the expectant parents cut the cake and then dinner was served.


Dancing began in earnest once the meal was finished. In some of the dances, circles formed around the couple.  C's mother nicely pulled me into the dance! 

I was surprised that so much of the dancing was just the men and they really seemed to enjoy it.

This was another dance that Ann and I were invited to join. 

As that circle dance wound down, the men took over the dance floor again.

C.'s sari was very beautiful, and I really enjoyed seeing all the women dressed in their colorful silks embroidered with gold threads. It was a wondeful party to celebrate C. & F.'s upcoming parenthood!


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