Monday, January 2, 2012

Holidays and Family Time

We had a great holiday season!  Time is the best gift of all--Dawn spent 4 days with us celebrating Christmas, and then Malima and Ross spent 4 days with us celebrating the New Year.

We weren't sure if we would see Diego over the holidays as he was visiting family outside of the US, but he arrived for a brief visit on Tuesday afternoon before heading back to Boston with Dawn.

Diego is a fantastic photographer and he took some family photos for us.

Lisa and Dana arrived on Saturday afternoon to pick up Wesley after his
Connecticut vacation.  Dana was so happy to see her little guy and the feeling was mutual!

The canine cousins did have a lot of fun during the holiday week.  Kita had the size advantage but that didn't stop Wesley from tackling her--they loved playing together!

We took advantage of Sunday's relatively warm weather to all go for a walk.  The whole holiday week was wonderful family time!  Dawn is already back in Paris and Malima returns to Milan shortly.  The time we can spend together is all the more precious because it is increasingly scarce.  Mark and I look forward to visiting Malima and Dawn in Europe during 2012!

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