Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Last night we finally got our first measurable snowfall since the big storm on October 29, 2011.  Granted, it was only 2 inches of wet snow.

It was just enough snow for the town to have to plow the roads. 

I would have preferred at least 4-6 inches so I could use the snowblower to clear the driveway.  Instead I had to shovel.  The sun came out briefly and started to dry the front walk.  I was hoping it would dry the driveway too, but now it's raining lightly.  When temperatures fall below freezing tonight, all will be ice.  But at least it will be a thin coating of ice--if I hadn't shoveled, we'd have a 2-inch thick block of ice everywhere!

We've been lucky so far, but there are still two more months when we might get snow.  After last winter and the October storm, it's been nice to have a breather!

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