Monday, January 16, 2012

A Special Celebration

Yesterday we met up with Lisa, Ken, Carolyn and Andrea, and Ann and Jim to help our dear family friend Anne celebrate her 90th birthday with dinner at The Tavern Restaurant in Westfield.  We've continued doing this every year since Mark's dad died because Anne was such a wonderful companion to him.

I caught Anne mid-sentence in this photo!  She's an amazing person--very positive, up-to-date, caring, and funny.  Anne's definitely "on the ball" and doesn't look a day over 70.

She had plenty of wishes to make too!  A little background:  Anne briefly dated Mark's dad in their early high school years and likes to joke that his mother didn't like it because of Anne's French Canadian background.  Who knows?  Anyway, she and Matthew married other people, each had two sons and one daughter, both lost their spouses late in life, and then they reconnected.  It's a very special love story.

Knowing Anne has truly enriched all our lives.  She's an inspiration!

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