Friday, January 20, 2012

Last Reads of 2011

I finished a couple of books in December and suddenly feel that I need a break from reading!

Lost Memory of Skin by Russell Banks got a lot of press from critics who generally raved about this book despite its uncomfortable subject matter. A young man who is a convicted sex offender tries to continue living his life while realistically exiled with other misfits to the one area of a city not within 2500 feet of schools, daycares, or anyplace children might be.  (Hint:  it's not pretty.) Kid was arrested when he went to meet a girl he met on the internet, who happened to be underage and whose father was home to call the police when he showed up. The professor who befriends and tries to help him is also an intriguing character with a shady past.  This books raises lots of interesting questions but sometimes tries to be too clever, especially in its depiction of the genius professor who ends up teaching at a community college.  I'd have to say it's better than some I've read recently but I'm glad I got it out of the library instead of buying it.

On Canaan's Side by Sebastian Barry was our book group's December selection.  I suppose I have in my head the stereotype of Irish authors as being such good storytellers who see the humor in any situation and the tragedy in our daily struggles.  Sebastian Barry doesn't disappoint!  The story unfolds so naturally as 89-year-old Lily reflects upon her life after her grandson's suicide.  How a male author can inhabit the soul of this character so authentically is just amazing.  It's not a cheerful read but it is beautifully written and worth reading.

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