Saturday, January 28, 2012

Men At Work

With Ross visiting for the weekend, Mark decided he could use some help cutting down the big oak tree over the well.

Several large branches had broken during the October snowstorm and the oak has not been too healthy the past few years.  Its leaves would turn brown and start to fall by the end of August but it seemed to fare better during wet summers.

No wonder it didn't look healthy--the center portion is rotted!  The tree is
about 24 inches in diameter where Mark cut.  Because it was leaning towards the greenhouse, Ross used the tree rope and the "comealong" to help guide its fall away from the house and between two other trees as Mark used the chainsaw.  So the men did work--I just can't bear to watch them and waited until the tree was on the ground to take photos.

This oak has also acted as a lightning rod for our well--a lightning strike blew out the pump controller two years ago, and last month another lightning strike not only fried the controller but also blew out the pump down in the well.  $3,000 in repairs later, we decided it was time to take down the damaged tree!

Mark is finally feeling better after being sick with an awful head cold all week, and Thursday morning I woke up with it.  I'm still feeling lousy today and frantically using disinfectant everywhere in hopes that Ross won't catch it. I guess it's that time of year--my 3 book group friends all had colds too.

Hope you are keeping warm and staying healthy!

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