Thursday, January 26, 2012


I have a fun Project In Progress!  When Dawn was home over Chrismas, we stopped at a local fabric store to look for something appropriate to make covers for the pillows in her Paris apartment.  There was a cute tote bag on display and Dawn realized it was exactly what she needed.

We bought the pattern and the same exterior fabric but had to wait for the store to order more webbing for the handles.  Once I had all the components, I got started!  It's coming together pretty easily and sewing the thick cotton webbing was no problem at all.  Now I'm ready to sew the lining and hope to finish over the weekend.  Book group is coming here this evening and I'm making stuffed shells!


  1. I love the veggie pattern fabric! So cute for a shopping tote!

    1. Would you like me to make one for you? I think the store has more of that veggie fabric.
