Friday, February 10, 2012

Free Electricity!

That is not a mistake!  This month we not only do not owe any money on our electric bill but we also have a credit for $2.39!  How did this miracle happen?

Remember the October 29th snowstorm?  After huge public outcry over their lack of emergency preparedness and subsequent lengthy power outages, our local utility company announced that it would credit the accounts of customers who had been without power for more than 7 days.  They were vague as to the amount of the credit, only saying it would be based upon typical usage and the length of time without power.  I'd have to check our receipts, but I think our credit actually might cover the cost of the gasoline we needed to run the generator while we were without electricity!

On Wednesday I took Kita for a walk around Spring Lake at Fisher Meadows.  Canada geese in our area no longer migrate during the winter, and our walk was serenaded by honking.  There are a couple of small islands which provide safe nesting places.

This is a lovely path and I would take Kita here more often, but one step off the trail in summer in most areas and you'll be knee-deep in the healthiest poison ivy I have ever seen. 

Today we walked along the section of the East Coast Greenway that follows the Farmington River.  That's the Heublein Tower up on the hill.  The forecast for tomorrow is snow so I think we'll be housebound.

Happy weekend to everyone!

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