Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thursday Already!

Yesterday I had a wonderful lunch made by my dear friend Dorine.  I am in awe of people who can really cook and whose food is always delicious.  Dorine is one of those people.

Here we are--all looking very happy--after eating our fill of lobster crabcakes, salad, fresh mozzarella with tomatoes and basil, and a walnut streusel poundcake. I was also very happy to meet one of her friends from Southern CT (on the left).  We had a fabulous time!

It's official!  I'm a Hill-Stead guide (again--after a hiatus of 15+ years).  Last Friday I took Sharon around on a tour (the exam) and had my first shift today.  I gave two tours--one to 3 women and the next to a couple.  It was the perfect way to ease back into guiding because large groups can be more challenging to move around the house.

This covered area connects the original stables to the servants' part of the house and overlooks the property's barns.  Spring is in the air today with temperatures in the mid-50s.  Must be the New Englander in me but I don't think it'll last.  Kita and I will go for a nice long walk this afternoon.

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