Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tuesday Travels

What a great way to start my day--I met my good friend Ann for coffee and a doughnut at "our" Dunkin Donuts before she went to work.  We caught up on each other's news and gabbed, gabbed, gabbed--such fun!

Since I am home during the day, Mark has entrusted me with the responsibility of watering all his plants in the greenhouse on Tuesdays or Wednesdays.  I actually enjoy the chore because I'm noticing what's in bloom and what's coming into bud.  When we first moved into the house, I would go into the greenhouse quite often--to take care of the guinea pigs when we had them, or in the winter when the kids would get into their bathing suits and want me to spray them with warm water from the hose.  As the years passed, I rarely went into the greenhouse--since growing orchids and tillandsias is Mark's hobby, I would wait for him to bring a nice specimen into the house to show me.

Today I remembered to take photos before I watered. This orchid, Colmanara Wildcat "Yellow Butterfly", has flowers that are 2" across.

This Dendrobium species is massive--the plant is approximately 2 feet in diameter and has been blooming for ages.

This is one of the orchids that Mark bought in Malaysia on that trip to the 2011 World Orchid Conference.  We're so excited that it's in bud!  (OK, it's actually a really little bud right now, less than 1 inch long.)

After watering the plants, I headed off the CVS to buy a card and then to the Post Office, stopping at the library to pick up a book I reserved.  Then I went home for lunch, did some laundry, and headed to the reservoir with Kita for a nice long walk.  And then I got started on the job I hate the most:  taxes!

That was my Tuesday--hope you had a great day!

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