Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Winter Doldrums

Saturday was the official midpoint between the first day of Winter and the first day of Spring.  While our daytime temperatures have been milder than usual lately, highs in the 40s with a stiff wind still feels cold. The sun is getting stronger and the days are noticeably longer, but we have a long way to go until the weather is consistently pleasant.

I am bored walking Kita in the reservoir--everything looks pretty much the same for the past few weeks.  We'll have to check the rails-to-trails paths to see if more of them have been cleared and ready for walkers after that October snowstorm.  I forced myself to look for different things to photograph today.

I'm not sure of this round building's purpose, but the stonework is beautiful.  It's behind the tall faux "wrought iron" fences that were installed after 9/11 to protect the water supply so I can't get closer to it.

I used my camera's maximum telephoto setting to get a picture of these two cuties and blurred it anyway.

This horse came over to see what Kita and I were doing near the fence.  These two properties are along paths that adjoin the main paved road in the reservoir. Horseback riding is allowed too, but I rarely see anyone riding--they probably stay on the unpaved trails.

Happy trails to you!  (Even if you're just headed out for groceries or whatever!)

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