Recently some commenters have remarked that Scott's work has changed. I've noticed this too, especially as he now has several corporate sponsors and is invited to all the big fashion shows. Originally he prided himself on being a fashion outsider photographing interesting looks he found on the street--now, not so much. Lately I realized that I make up stories about what I read into his photos:
This is Lapo Elkann, manager of brand promotion for Fiat. Scott oftens photographs him. Many commenters raved about this photo/person. I took a closer look after reading the comments and here's the story I've woven around this photo:
Mr. Elkann has been burning the candle at both ends lately--or has just come off one hell of a bender. The lapels of his jacket are filthy--surely he has minions who could bring this to a good dry cleaner. Some have wondered if this is a suit--the pants look to be a lighter weight material than the jacket and the colors don't quite match. Is that rumpled white blob supposed to be a pocket square or is it a used Kleenex? And the long stubble--did he lose his razor somewhere along with a couple of days? I know Americans are overly fastidious about personal hygiene, but something about this photo makes me wonder if he smells unwashed--either like a dirty old man or like someone struggling with his personal demons (substance abuse maybe?). He trying hard to look casually elegant--everything is fine, no, really!--but something's not quite right.
Teehee, I bet you didn't know I could be Queen of Mean! And just when I started to feel guilty about making up such a snarky story, I looked up his age--he's only 34! I thought he was easily 54!!! Maybe my fiction is isn't so farfetched...
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