Thursday, February 2, 2012

It's Groundhog Day!

This morning Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, thereby forecasting 6 more weeks of winter according to tradition.  This is big news because...not much else happens at the beginning of February!  Of course, if the winter continues the way it's been, 6 more weeks won't be bad at all.  Yesterday the high was 61 degrees.  In January 2011 we got 54 inches of snow; this January we got 7 inches--not so rough!

A local author self-published this book when Dawn was little and it definitely became a big success in our area.  The author appeared at libraries and schools to read the story and sell (ooops, I meant sign) her books for eager children. It's good for elementary school--kids learn about hibernating animals, shadows, folklore surrounding Groundhog Day, and the history of Punxsutawney Phil, the famous Pennsylvania groundhog.

Typically February 2nd is cold and dreary, Spring seems far away, and everyone has sniffles and coughs--a perfect time for some fun!

Happy Groundhog Day to all!

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